Katie Dubow of the Garden Media Group and a Dozen Great New Plants

Honestly, I’m pretty sure…

that all you need to do is look at the images below and read the write ups. Oh, and you can follow the QR codes! Modern tech continues to impress!

See if you are inspired by any of these plants and start your shopping.

Thanks to Kate of the Garden Media Group for getting us all amped up about new plants. Well, it’s possible that we didn’t need much help, but it’s fun to be spoon fed new info!

Coffee Time!

Please consider supporting Into the Garden with Leslie by buying me a cup of coffee.

You know, I dropped all sponsors except of YOU this season. I didn’t want to be beholden to corporations, but I really appreciate any contribution, including a review on Apple Podcasts, or a cup of coffee.

Next Episode:

Who Knows?

But I have been chatting with Karl Gercens of Longwood about his epic garden travel, am having a wine with Marianne Willburn soon on what’s going on in the spring garden, have been nagging Scott Beuerlein to chat with me about all those fabulous people he writes about in Horticulture Mag, and have a very fun convo with Madeline Hooper of Garden Fit in the can. Anything could happen!